
December 16 2015

Energy Savings in the Data Center Starts with Power Monitoring

Click here to read the full document.


November 16, 2009

View the iFortress video

Click here to watch the video on youtube.


June 22, 2009


We are pleased to announce the addition of a new manufacturer called iFortress. iFortress provides a technology to construct the most energy efficient data center available of any size that minimizes the risk against every known structural threat including fire, smoke, water, hurricanes, EMF, RFI, physical break-in, explosions and the increasingly high cost of energy.

iFortress is a scalable, recyclable, reusable. re-locatable, LEED compliant energy efficient panel based system with a high tension interlocking steel housing incorporating multiple layers of special purpose materials that can be assembled rapidly. The entry door is designed to provide a hermetic seal and each entry point for data, electric and cooling is engineered and tested to protect against every identified threat. The entire enclosure is an air tight, water-tight, fire resistant enclosure with an R-22 rating on both walls and ceilings.